Dear Customers,
Welcome to 【Wanpaw】, your destination for #Japanesedogcollar, #Japanesedogleash, and #Japanesedogharness.
In response to the current rise in prices, I have opened my own shop to provide high-quality products for more affordable prices.
I extend our heartfelt thanks to all the customers who have supported me by purchasing my products on Etsy. Your support means everything to us.
I kindly ask for your continued support of my new shop as I strive to provide the best products and service possible. Please try traditional Japanese #Karakusacollars, #Karakusaleashes #Karakusaharnesses, and #Karakusabandanas that are well-suited for #ShibaInus and other #Japanesedogs.
My Etsy shop
Kumi and the Wanpaw team